Tarot & Spellwork

As an intuitive, I am one who reads both tarot and oracle cards by my intuition and tapping into the astral to invite your guides and/or higher-self to assist me in the reading. I do this by getting into a meditative space where I first ground and open my channel to the universe. Once the energy is flowing, I set my intentional boundaries and invite your guide/higher-self forward.


Spell Candles are used in a variety of different ways, most often I use them to assist in the removal of energies in one’s body; both physical and energetic. Using my intuition, I use the oils and flowers which call out to assist in the removal of these energies. These can be blockages which are keeping you from reaching your highest potential, emotions trapped from other lifetimes, or even other people’s energies which may have made it’s way into your space.

Cord Cutting

For those times when you wish to remove people from your life, cord cutting is one way which will assist in this process. This is not to be taken lightly, as when we cut cords the universe will quite literally remove this person from your life and it will do so quickly.

Tarot & Oracle Readings

Tarot and oracle readings are used to bring messages from the divine to you in a way which sparks you from the inside. They provide confirmations, syncs, messages, advice, hope, and comfort to those who are seeking advice in their lives. Tarot can be used to bring messages to you from the other side. It can help shed light on the dark parts of you that are crying out to be seen and heard.


Intuitive Artwork


Colouring Pages